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International sales partners

Valued and established partners abroad and DLG International’s subsidiaries organize country pavilions or individual stands.

Please contact the partner in your country:


Av. Corrientes 1302 - 5º Piso
C1043 ABN Buenos Aires

Contact: Mrs. Mariana Otero | Mrs. Lucila Torterola
Tel: (+54) 11-5128-9800, ext. 112
Email: [email protected] | [email protected]


P.O. Box 257
3740 AG Baarn
The Netherlands

Contact: Mr. Kuno Jacobs
Tel: +31 85 401 73 97
Email: [email protected]

Bäumle Organização de Feiras Ltda

Rua Padre Anchieta, 2540 – 15.º andar
80730-000 Curitiba, PR
Contact: Mr. Matheus Zilo | Mrs. Brena Bäumle
Tel: (+55) 11 41 3068-0100
Email: [email protected] 

ABIMAQ (Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Máquinas e Equipamentos)

Avenida Jabaquara, 2925 
CEP 04045-902 
Sao Paulo/ SP

Contact: Contact: Mr. Paulo Guerra
Tel: +55 (11) 5582-5797 
Email: [email protected]

DLG North America
209-294 Mill Street East
N0B 1S0 Elora, ON, Canada

Contact: Brad Michnik
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +1 306 2607476

Contact: Ulrike Schmidt-Machinek
Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +1 519 265 8300 ext 206

Country pavilion of Manitoba:

Government of Manitoba -  Department of Economic Development Investment & Trade

Contact: Mrs. Sharon Cohen
Tel: (+1) 204-890 2096
Email: Sharon.Cohen(at) 

Country pavilion of Saskatchewan:

STEP (Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership)

Contact: Jeff Cooper
Tel: +1 306 291 4260
Email: [email protected]

DLG Beijing (DLG AgroTech Service) 德国农业协会 北京

Room 1301, Tower 1 of Landmark Tower, No. 8 North Road, Dongsanhuan, Chaoyang District 
100004,  Beijing

Mrs. Zhang Li  
Tel: (+86) 10 6590 6120     
Fax: (+86) 10 6590 7488
Email: leely(at)

Mrs. Joyce Wang
Tel: (+86) 10 65906811
Email: info(at)


Danish Export Association
Lysbrohojen 24
8600 Silkeborg, DK

Contact: Sandra Ladefoged
Tel. direct/Mobile: (+45) 24781292
Email: [email protected]  


Messen for Marketing & Fair Consultancy
Down Town Mall
Sheikh Zayed City
District 7 Neighborhood 1, Block 203, 3rd floor
Office 10 El Sheikh Zayed 12311 - 6th of Ocober

Contact: Dina Sharaf
Tel: 0020 1005402034
Email: d.sharaf(at)

DLG Representative Office France

CulturAg SAS
1190 Chemin du Chaleux
69870 Saint Just d’Avray

Contact: Sébastien Branche
M : +33 6 08 88 15 82
Email : [email protected]


Viexpo - Export Adviser

Contact: Mrs. Elina Ruohonen
Tel: (+33) 7 71 10 68 61
Tel: (+358) 50 385 4373
Email: [email protected]

Organisator des Gemeinschaftsstandes von Sachsen: / Organizer of the pavilion of the state of Saxony:

Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH

Bertolt-Brecht-Allee 22
01309 Dresden

Contact : Mrs. Sylvia Sadlo
Tel: (+49) 351 2138 143
Email: sylvia.sadlo(at)

Mon-Art Publicity Agency Ltd

Vizafogó sétány 2/B II/7
1138 Budapest

Contact: Mrs. Márta Kakuk
Tel.: +36 1-240-0810
Email: m.kakuk(at) 

Radeecal Communications

402 , 4th Floor , “Optionz” Complex , 
Opp. Hotel Nest , Off C G Road, Navrangpura , 
Ahmedabad – 380009  

Contact: Mr. Kartik Dave  
Tel:         +91 91738 26807
Email: mktg1(at)   

Ag-Supply LLC

Kitamachi 2-Chome, 16-1-106
086-1152 Nakashibetsu

Contact: Mr. Takakazu Uemura
Tel/Fax: (+81) 153 72-9197
Email: expo(at)


P.O. Box 257
3740 AG Baarn
The Netherlands

Contact: Mr. Kuno Jacobs
Tel: +31 85 401 73 97
Email: [email protected]


P.O. Box 257
3740 AG Baarn
The Netherlands

Contact: Mr. Kuno Jacobs
Tel: +31 85 401 73 97
Email: [email protected]

DLG AgroFood Sp. z.o.o.

ul. Obornicka 229
60-650 Poznan

Contact: Mrs. Arleta Bartkowiak
Tel: +(48) 61 639-01-17
Mobil: +(48) 607 061 914
Fax: (+48) 61 858 4848
Email: [email protected] 

DLG Intermarketing srl.

50 Dionisie Lupu Str.
1st floor,
Bucharest  010458 

Contact: Mrs. Corina Mares,
Tel: (+40) 21 317 12 25/26
Fax: (+40) 0 21 319 63 71
Email: [email protected]

Development Agency of Serbia - RAS

Kneza Milosa 12
11000 Belgrade 

Contact: Mrs. Ines Novosel
Tel: (+38) 1113398774
Email: ines.novosel(at) 

Korean - German Chamber of Commerce and Industry - KGCCI DEinternational Ltd.
8th Fl., Shinwon Plaza B/D, 85 Dokseodang-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 04419, Republic of Korea

Contact: Young-Min Kim
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +82-2-37804-631 


Parque Empresarial Ibarrabarri
C/Iturriondo 18 – Edificio A-1, 1ºC
48940 Leioa – BIZKAIA

Contact: Mr. Juan Bernuy
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: (+34) 944 70 65 05

ARB International
Calle de Alarcos 17, 13001 Ciudad Real     

Contact: Mrs. Valeria Riva
Tel: (+34) 926 04 84 14
Email: [email protected]

THETW Co., Ltd

No. 67, Section 1, Yonghe Road, Yonghe District, 234
Contact: Mr. Ben Huang 
Tel : +886-2-32332890  ext.107
Email: ben_huang(at) 

DLG Asia Pacific Co.,Ltd

88 The PARQ Building
WeWork, 7th - 8th Floor, East Wing
Ratchadaphisek Road, Klongtoey, Klongtoey District
Bangkok 10110, Thailand

Contact: Ms. Chalida Rattanaprasat (Omme)
Email: [email protected]
Mobile/WhatsApp/LINE: +66 95 748 8168


DLG Fuarcilik Limited ŞİRKETİ

Ertuğrul Mh. Demirci Sk.
Zeynel Bey İş Merkezi No: 47 Kat: 5 D: 18
59000 Tekirdağ

Contact: Mrs. Ferize Öztürk
Tel: (+90) 282 263 00 32
Cell: (+90) 546 262 59 34
Fax: (+90) 282 263 00 28
Email: ferize(at) 

DLG Ukraine

Predslavinska Str. 28, Office 702
03150 Kiev Ukraine

Contact: Yuliya Bondarenko
Tel.: +38 (093) 352-88-65
E-Mail: [email protected]

DLG North America
209-294 Mill Street East
N0B 1S0 Elora, ON, Canada

Contact: Brad Michnik
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +1 306 2607476

Contact: Ulrike Schmidt-Machinek
Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +1 519 265 8300 ext 206

Country pavilion of USA

U.S. Commercial Service I U.S. Department of Commerce
NDSU Dept 7610, PO Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050

Contact: Mrs. Heather Andrea Ranck
Tel: (+1)  701-239-5080
Fax: (+1) 701-540-0262
Cell: (+1) 701-552-0792  
Email: heather.ranck(at) 
Web: |

Pavilion organizer of Nebraska

Nebraska Department of Economic Development

245 Fallbrook Blvd, #002, PO Box 94666
Lincoln, NE  68521

Contact: Colby Angst
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +1 (531) 510-6407